Ian Farnes is a writer of prose and poetry from Fife, Scotland now living in Barcelona. He works as a literary translator (Spanish to English) and offers creative feedback and editing services, either as part of a translation service, or for pieces written in English.

He first left the education system at fifteen to work in his local shipyard, but returned to education through attending evening classes then studying English Literature and Theatre Studies full time at The University of Glasgow. Attaining a post graduate diploma in education he started work as a schoolteacher in 2007 and spent over a decade teaching literature and theatre to teenagers and adults.

He has had prose published in literary journals and magazines such as thi wurd, Deus Machina and Razur Cuts; has had work published online with The Selkie and The Common Breath and has appeared in the latter's anthology The Middle of a Sentence.

His poetry has appeared in Gutter Magazine and Spelt, in an anthology by Broken Sleep and in Lighthouse Magazine.

He has translated film scripts, short stories, poetry, articles for magazines and catalogues for publishers.

He is interested in music and film and has worked creatively in those media for many years, most recently as part of the duo Cynthlab and a contributing artist to the group The Bitter Mass.